Lavender oil balances extreme emotional states such as restlessness and tension. Lavender relieves palpitations, arrhythmias and breathing problems caused by nervous and anxiety disorders. Note that lavender is not suitable for continuous use by a person with low blood pressure. The scent of lavender oil is sweet, fresh and floral.
Use of fragrance oil:
Fragrance oils are powerful fragrance oils that release a pleasant scent through warming and enhance your environmental experience. These are specifically intended for use in an aroma burner and not as a massage oil.
Fill the aroma burner with water and add approx. 5 drops of the fragrance oil. Light the tealight and place it under the aroma holder. When the water is heated and evaporated, the aromatic smell will increase.
- Fragrance oil
- 100% organic
- Goal: aromatherapy
- Package size of 10 ml
- Scent of lavender
- Housing effect
- Intended for use in an aroma burner and not as a massage oil.